Our Story

Our Story

Gardening has become a mindful practice and a space for reflection for myself. My garden style reflects the sentiment of growing what you love. This sentiment reflects the balance of being a human in the times we find ourselves in. Often, we we are caught between many ideals and more than one right answer, only to find that the one we picked is no longer the most acceptable choice, and at a loss for what to do next. 

Gardening gives us the power to change, try again, be renewed, learn from failure (and fail again), yet be consistent and even daring! Plants and soil help us cultivate this gardener’s mindset, also known as a growth mindset. 

Mostly Perennials began as my personal Instagram page, where I shared my gardening pursuits with family and friends. As I designed more beds, planted, and delivered bouquets I was encouraged to open my page to everyone and anyone. You will see Cooper behind the scenes- my biggest supporter and life partner, who enjoys spending time outdoors and learning all things gardening with me! 

From a young age, I knew I wanted to own a home someday surrounded by gardens. I was able to spend time with my grandfather in his kitchen garden and help my mom plant her favorite annuals amongst her perennials, and visit historical gardens throughout my formative years. When I moved into my own home I started with a few containers and slowly spent time developing the garden beds one-by-one. 

In the spring of 2020, the transformation of our yard to a garden (a yarden) truly began as many new beds were created from scratch. With a desire to surround our home with flowers and grow food outside our door paired with the knowledge that bees are critical to creating food for humans and wildlife to survive, we set an intention to support pollinators in our garden and to grow what we love. 

A garden us a work in progress. All gardeners (novice to expert) learn and grow along the way. No matter the level of expertise, we are all subject to the whims of nature, and sometimes some things don’t work. A garden will always be a work in progress and perfectly imperfect. Be intentional with your choices, and build, and maintain your garden with purpose. 

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Gardening is one of my favorite hobbies to calm and find zen!


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